Affordable house plans

Affordable house plans

Affordable house plans could mean the plans are cheap, or the house itself is cheap to build. Low cost homes are typically built from low cost plans, however, some plans may cost more if the design is extreme. Extreme home design doesn’t necessarily mean high end. Structures designed with narrow spans and low pitched roofs allow for extra glass, and perhaps even a curved wall

Low budget homes present an interesting challenge to the home designer and the builder, and many rise to the occasion

Home owners often ask builders how much it will cost, when instead they should be telling the builders how much they want to spend.  One person may have $500,000 to invest in a plan, when another person may have only half that amount to build the same plan. The finish material for the interior and exterior may be high quality or low quality. Imagine the cost difference between vinyl siding and stone, or vinyl flooring and marble

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