About the Designer Brenda G Rand
About the designer, Brenda G Rand has been practicing architecture for over forty years.
Her broad field of experience includes, cost estimating fire and disaster residences, log home design, pre-manufactured home systems and trusses, light commercial, restaurants, remodel and reconstruction, cost busting, exclusive estate home and extreme home design technique and teaching
Brenda has practiced architecture under, and with renowned architects such as Bill Hefner, John Foster and David Broach of Tulsa, Oklahoma. RG Foster, Alan Bates and Warren Bates of Springfield Missouri, and is a master in her own right. Brenda’s last position before becoming self employed over 20 years ago was in-house designer at ‘The Pinnacle Golf and Country Club in Rogers Arkansas from start to completion of development, country club and golf course
Teaching architectural theory at Miller Mott College in Clarksville Tennessee
Asked how she comes up with new concepts for designs, she answered. “Every piece of land is unique and so are we. It’s this uniqueness that gives each home I design it’s own individual character and style. I’m not a fan of copy cat or cookie cutter house plans. Even though I can be heavily influenced by the style my clients prefer, be it colonial, Victorian or Tudor, the custom home I design for them will stand apart from others of like styles. There’s no greater joy than sitting down at my table with a fresh roll of sketch paper, unless it’s pleasing my clients with what I’ve created, and this is my ultimate goal. I have to forget my own personal preferences when designing, and literally be one with those I’m designing for
Consider building a custom home design
The original home designs exhibited on this website were designed by Brenda, and are copyright protected. You may find pirated copies of her plans on other websites, but please don’t be fooled, as she, and she alone is the creator
All rights reserved
Author: Brenda Rand